We all know how beautiful roses are, many roses are cultivated for that reason only. They’re the perfect gift, they symbolize love, romance and passion. But did you know that they're also commonly used in the beauty industry. There’s tons of rose benefits for the skin and different ways for your skin to absorb them.
If you’re including roses in your skin care routine, there’s 2 ways that you can go about it. You can extract the oil from the roses, or you can use fresh or dried rose petals. Either way, your skin will be able to absorb its moisturizing, soothing and healing properties.
Here are the many rose benefits for skin:
Rose Benefits For Skin
- Reduces the appearance of wrinkles
- Hydrates
- Reduces redness and irritation
- Protects skin from moisture loss
- Prevents free radicals and toxins from entering the skin
- Helps prevent excess oil production
- Improves collagen production
- Brightens and tones the skin care
- Shrinks pores
- Helps get rid of dark circles
- Fights acne
- Moisturizes
How To Include Roses In Your Skin Care Routine?
There’s also different ways to use the extracted oil and the rose petals on your skin.
1. Add it to your body scrub
Exfoliating scrubs are amazing because besides removing dead skin cells, dirt, toxins and impurities, they also help soften and smoothen the skin. When you add roses to your exfoliator, you're only boosting its benefits.
Our Himalayan Rose Scrub is made with Himalayan salt, which contains 84 different minerals and is very popular for its healing properties, especially when used on the skin. The salt is mixed with natural and organic oils, rose petals and other natural ingredients. Together they help detox and rejuvenate your skin and at the same they moisturize and help lock in moisture.
This scrub is 100% natural and organic, no chemicals or preservatives are used to make it.
2. Add it to your face oils/serums
Our Rejuvenating Rose Face Oil is packed with healing properties to help you achieve clear, healthy and glowing skin. It helps fight acne and acne scars, helps with hyperpigmentation, eczema, dry skin, oily skin and uneven skin tone. It also contains anti aging properties that help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles for a more youthful complexion.
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